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COVID - 19 Lockdown Activities

While the darkroom is closed we are providing projects for people to do at home along with the opportunity to contribute and discuss the experimentation and results. These summer school lockdown projects will feature a free pack of materials as well as a monthly interactive masterclasses and tutorials. The projects will include some of the approaches we have been initiating over the past few months including

April - World Pinhole Day - Room Obscuras - Bringing the outside in.













To celebrate World Pinhole Day on the last Sunday in April we encouraged participants to black out their rooms and, using light projected through a small hole, project the inverted image of the outside world on walls and ceilings.

Sophie Sherwood

May - Celebrating the International Day of Light - Anthotypes - Kitchen Photography











Throughout May we invited people to experiment with plants and kitchen ingredients, extracting the juices to coat onto paper and expose in sunlight to create beautiful anthotype images. You can use ingredients such as beetroot, turmeric, spinach, strawberry, sage, brassicas, dandelion flowers, and more. Alcohol or salt can be used in small quantities to help extract plant juices, and diluted borax used as an intensifier to increase the contrast of the exposed image. 


June - Summer solstice - Solargraphy. Make a long exposure of the Sun 










An opportunity to do time exposures with solargraph pinhole cameras made out of empty aluminium drink cans. To start the Real Photography Company Summer school projects we will be sending out free packets of photographic paper to the first 100 applicants. Keep an eye on the website for further details.


Videos and handouts on how to do the various processes will be available for the projects. 


Justin Quinnell spinning Turmeric Image
St Mary Redcliffe - 6 month exposure
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