Real Photography Company
Photography Workshops with Local Schools
Chemistry Workshops
Starting in Jan 2020, with funding from the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Real Photography Company worked with local primary schools, Evergreen, Cabot, St Werburghs, St Barnabus, and Glenfrome. We provided workshops for each school introducing Year 5 children to elements, the periodic table, the three states of matter, the light spectrum and light sensitive materials. Children carried out experiments using pinhole cameras, processing silver based photographic paper in developer stop and fix, and also created cyanotypes from iron based chemistry creating blue images using ultra violet light from the sun and our UV printing bed.
Discovering Light
In 2018 -9 The Real Photography Company obtained funding from the Ogden Trust to programme a series of science workshops with local primary schools - Evergreen, Easton, Cabot, and Glenfrome. During autumn 2018 we introduced Year 4 children to pinhole camera photography, using drinks can cameras to take selfies, which were then processed in the Darkrooms. They went inside a Camera Obscura, with an upside down real time projection created in one of our Darkrooms, and then constructed their own camera obscuras out of cereal packets. Each school was provided with 6-month solargraph cameras, installed between June and December 2018; images created were displayed at a special celebration event at St Pauls Learning Centre in Feb 2019 for participating schools.
Science Week Workshop March 2018 and 2019
For Science Week in 2018 and 2019 the Real Photography Company invited local schools and families to fun science based workshops including camera obscuras, pinhole photography, light sensitive materials and Darkroom processes. Experiments using light polarisation, special 3D glasses, and various visual tricks were provided by students from Bath Uni, supported by funding from the Institute of Physics.
Future Brunels Jan 2017
Our first school workshop at the Darkrooms was with the SS Great Britain's Future Brunels group - selected students from several schools including Cotham, Redland Green, and Fairfield High, attend regular science based workshops throughout the school year to enhance and enrich their learning experience. The Future Brunels spent a session in the Darkrooms learning to make black and white prints using traditional darkroom processes.